Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Message from college website-by Dr Raja reddy

Fellow Students of Gandhi,

Our college came into being on September 14th 1954 and was named as People's Medical College. It was taken over by the Government in 1956 and renamed as Gandhi Medical College. Initially college was housed in Humayun Nagar near S.D Hospital and shifted to present site, Bashirbagh in 1958. King Edward Memorial Hospital also has been renamed as Gandhi Hospital. Our hospital has a very long history having been opened way back in 1851. It came to be known as 'Cantonment' Hospital in 1900 and 'K.E.M.' Hospital in 1913. Hopefully both our college and hospital will move into 17 acre complex in Musheerabad by the end of 2002 if not by the time of our golden jubilee. 5000 graduate and 1000 postgraduate students passed through the portals of our college so far.

All of us have nostalgic memories of our college, hospital, teachers and classmates. Beacuse of those times when avenues were open, most of us are scattered around the world, mostly in U.S.A, Canada, UK, Middle East, Australia, Europe, Africa and neibouring countries.

All of us have contributed for the advancement of our profession and some achieved heights of glory in their chosen specialties. Few left medicine and became housewives, beuticians, actors; press correspondents; business tycoons, politicians and some even became teachers of English.

Golden Juilee of our college is in 2004AD. As we are getting older we would like to know more about our friends and exchange memories. Directory is an effort in this direction. It is not easy to make it complete unless everybody helps. It is also planned to make an album of important photographs. Following are the names of students, graduate and postgraduate listed year wise of their joining college. You are requested to inform if there are any spelling mistakes and suggest addition of family names in case of our lady members. Kindly provide your qualifications, specialty, and date of birth, spouse's name and the address preferably by e-mail. Those who become members of the Alumni Association will get regular mail, listing the activities and the news.

- D.Raja Reddy